Saturday, 14 March 2015

MAC Mehr Lipstick Review

I recently posted on my Instagram (@lasheslinerlove) that I had gained a new lipstick to my MAC collection in the shade Mehr! I had 6 empty MAC products which you can see in my recent Empties post and so I went down to my local MAC counter and did Back to MAC. Back to MAC is where you take 6 empty product packaging in replace for a new lipstick, basically helping you to help them! I love this scheme as I feel like it makes it worth paying that extra bit of money for MAC products! It did take me a while to get through the products but felt so worth it when I picked out my new lipstick! So Mehr....

I browsed the lipstick stand for a while knowing that I wanted a nude pinky matte shade, I was temped by Please Me but couldn't stop looking at Mehr. It's a shade i'd never heard of before and couldn't believe that as its beautiful! It's a sort of 'Kylie Jenner' lip but a bit more brown and matches perfectly with my MAC Whirl Lipliner.

I am yet to try a MAC lipstick that I don't like and always looking to build up my collection so I thought this was a great staple colour as it can be worn everyday but also paired with a more intense makeup look for a night out or special occasion.

So that's Mehr! What MAC lipstick should I look at buying next? Or are there any good dupes out there? I'm really looking to try new brands at the moment!
Hope you enjoyed this post and it was helpful.
Speak soon,
Beth xo


  1. Love this! Velvet teddy has been out of stock for ages. This could be a good substitute!

    1. Definitely is, just slightly mauvier! x
